Artist & Muse: Meet Em Fen

Artist and Muse Em Fen Colour, creativity and design is at the core of our passion. So we are always looking for vibrant creatives, innovators, and inspiring people in our community to celebrate their success!
We stumbled upon the work of this talented dynamite, her style a vibrant Cali Eclectic fusion taking inspiration from her travels and morning surfs, we dive into the art world of Em Fennell, our muse.

Please introduce yourself:
Hey I’m Em and I’m a contemporary artist from Burleigh Heads, Queensland
Contemporary Artist from Burleigh
What is the inspiration behind your work?
The inspiration for my work comes from the world around me. I really draw inspiration from past travel and growing up in Asia as well as take a great deal of inspiration from interior design and the fashion industry. I also draw energy into my work through bright colours and patterns.
Em Fennell in her Studio
When do you feel the most creative?
That’s a hard one, I guess when I’m happy. I love to go to the studio after taking my pup to the beach in the morning or after a surf as it makes me feel really excited to start the day.
Em Fennell wears Selma
Your go-to summer outfit is:
Go-to summer outfit is an Arnhem swim piece, linen pants and a singlet, generally no shoes haha
Em's Summer outfit