Flood Disaster Relief 🤍 How You Can Help

On a personal note - March, 8
Our beautiful corner of the world has really taken a hit this week. The devastation of the floods in South East Queensland and Northern NSW - our community, is raw and real. Thankfully our team are safe and able to help, and we, like all, are tired and overwhelmed.

We have been working together as a team and individually donating our time, energy and financial support. There is a long road ahead of us. We are grateful for the support of you, our wider community. If you are wondering how you can help the Northern Rivers, our team has put together some resources and ideas of ways individuals can help.

Today is International Womens Day and we want to take this moment to recognise all of the victims, volunteers and kind souls within our community, male and female, who are lifting, nurturing and empowering each other to move through this.

Stay tuned for more information about ways that together we will help those in need.


March, 1

Our hearts are breaking for the Queensland and New South Wales communities who have been impacted by the disastrous floods in the region.

Our team has put together some resources and ideas of ways individuals can help. 

The communities in all of these regions have already all felt the affects from COVID-19, so this latest disaster is just another agonising hit to our community. We feel for the businesses and individuals who feel hopeless right now. If there is anything we can do, please reach out. We want to hear ways we can truly make a difference. 

Amidst everything else going on in the world...


Updated March, 8

Make a Donation & Support QLD or NSW

How To Help Northern Rivers Locals 

Please send us any recommendations of what else we should include in this resource list 🙏 We are all ears. Email sales@arnhem.co with the subject line FLOOD RELIEF  






 Emotional wellbeing and support links