Will The Zero Waste Movement Survive The Pandemic?

Shop reusable face masks from Arnhem no plastic zero waste


The zero-waste movement is one of the most important movements happening today that could help save the planet.

The detrimental impact that we have had on our planet is brutally evident. From melting ice caps, to rising sea levels, floods, droughts, fires, desertification, rising temperatures – global warming is real, and it needs to be recognised that it’s not only about protecting the planet, but protecting those who live upon this earth today, and in the future.

Multiple solutions are required to limiting warming of the planet this century to 1.5 degrees Celsius. And fighting climate change is the responsibility of everyone; governments, businesses, and us as individuals. So, what’s something that we can do today?

Zero waste is one of the fastest, easiest climate action strategies that we can implement to immediately reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Adopting the mantra of reduce, reuse, recycle, replenish, restore, not only helps to affirm values, but can also be life-changingly powerful.

Many of us are already on a zero-waste journey to reduce our ecological footprint. From recycling to conscious efforts to generate less waste, avoiding plastics, composting food scraps, when we combine our collective efforts, we have a significant communal impact. That’s why we love creating our zero-waste collection for you, making it easy to take the next step on your journey: check out the latest solutions online here.

But since the COVID pandemic began have you found it challenging to maintain your zero-waste strategies? Perhaps your reusable mug got rejected at a cafe? Have you been purchasing takeaway food to support local businesses but can’t avoid the plastic containers? Have you been caught out and have had to use a disposable mask? 


Shop plastic free zero waste reusable face masks

Plastic waste is considered one of the biggest environmental problems of our time. While we all try to live by the rule - if you can't recycle it or if it's not biodegradable, don't use it – the pandemic has made this challenging. But regardless of how long the pandemic lasts, the problems of environmental degradation, climate change, and plastic pollution will still be with us long after the pandemic if over.

Every minute of the day we throw away 3 million face masks. Globally, every month we use an estimated 129 billion face masks. Face masks - most are disposable, and most are made from plastic microfibers.

It’s time to wake up to what is quickly becoming our next ecological disaster; the disposable face mask is a significant contributor to our global plastic pollution crisis.

Arnhem Bickley the trouble with plastic face masks and plastic pollution

Face masks are part of our new normal, but there’s little to no guidelines for disposal or recycling.

Most disposable masks are plastic products that are not biodegradable. Made from a variety of plastics, including polypropylene, polyethylene and vinyl these disposable masks can take up to 450 years to break down.

When discarded disposable face masks fragment into smaller plastic particles, becoming toxic micro and nano plastics that leach into our environment. They release harmful chemicals and biological substances, such as bisphenol A and heavy metals that may adversely impact plants, animals, and humans. These tiny particles and fibers are often long-lived polymers that find their way into our waterways and oceans, accumulating in food chains for years to come, eventually becoming a detriment to human health.

Plastic single use face masks are causing an global environmental disaster


... which is why we’ve created another round of our best-selling, Revive Zero-Waste Face Masks.

Reduce. Reuse.

These limited edition, zero-waste face masks are a sustainable alternative to single-use plastic. Crafted from the fabric off-cuts of Heavenly that would otherwise have been destined for landfill, these 100% organic cotton masks are breathable, biodegradable, and environmentally friendly.

Sure, it’s only a micro-step towards slowing climate change, cutting down on pollution, and stopping ecological destruction, but every little helps - and it’s something to feel good about! And, it’s not just about environmentally-conscious thinking, the masks are really worth investing in...

Shop Revive Single use face masks a plastic free alternative from Arnhem Byron Bay Shop Revive zero waste plastic free reusable face masks from Arnhem

For every mask sold Arnhem will be donating a beautiful Revive Face Mask to Women Up North; a service for women, children and young people who have experienced domestic or family violence or abuse. 

By critically evaluating our consumption choices and changing our behaviours we can dramatically reduce our environmental impact. Making the switch to a reusable mask is not only better for our health, but that of Mother Earth too.

Available to pre-order now.

Pre-order closes Monday 20th September. 

Shipping mid-October.


Shop Revive Zero Waste plastic free reusable face masks from Arnhem sustainable clothing


Let's value the power of our influence as a collective and ensure that action to fight climate change remains top of the agenda, during and after the pandemic. 

Statistics Source: University of Southern Denmark