Conscious Creation with @mroussety

Meet Artist & Arnhem muse Marianne Roussety.


We’re forever inspired by this natural beauty, a mindful traveller, artist & model who balances purpose with prosperity through conscious creation.


Arnhem Byron Bay interview with artist and model Marianne Roussety about sustainable art


As an artist the sustainability challenges I’ve faced are…
The massive amount of plastics used in the art world.
Sourcing eco-friendly materials is definitely more of a mission than just going to your local art store where everything is packaged in plastic!

My hidden talent is…
Mmm.. I don't tend to keep much hidden.
But maybe cooking? I never use to like cooking but I love to create yummy and healthy meals.

My closest friends say that I am …
Loving 🙂

My biggest awakening has been…
About 5 years ago, I realised I needed to bring art back in my life. Really fulfilling move!

I want to create…
More art. Since coming back from Bali, I have been painting everyday and it feels so good.

The one thing I want to share with the world is…
Conscious living. As I learn, I love to share tips on how to reduce my impact on this beautiful planet.

The 3 simple acts that have helped me be eco-friendly are...
Remembering the reason WHY I have to create consciously.
Sourcing eco-friendly materials, such as earth pigments, hemp fabric..
Sharing (in a transparent way) about my conscious artistic journey on Instagram, keeping me on track with my values. Learning from other conscious artists too!

Travelling has made me…
Appreciate the different cultures of the world. Meeting the locals and learning about their culture are probably my favourite parts of travelling.

I’m currently obsessed with…
🥜 Peanut butter on everything haha.

The five songs that set my soul on fire are…

Drift - Daughter

Evangelist - Matt Corby

Colours in sea - Maribou State

Iron Sky - Paolo Nutini

Tora – Deviate

The best cure for…
a headache
to NOT have Panadols, lolll but really, they are bad for you! Have some water and plenty of sleep.

I’ll never forget…
How Ben and I met. Well it's a long story, but it's some of the most special moments of my life 🙂

Marianne wears the Lauren Kaftan Dress crafted from 100% Organic Cotton.