Cultivating Creativite with Taylar-Jane


Tell us a bit about yourself? 

I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, a wife and a homemaker but I am also a woman of many passions! I love creating with my hands and I especially love fiber crafts. So crochet, sewing, spinning and embroidery are the main crafts I dabble in but I also love cooking, baking and bread making too! I mostly create for my family as it truly brings me so much joy. I am a big homebody, my chickens are my greatest friends and I just love living simply and slowly, cultivating as much connection as possible.


Your lifestyle is truly inspiring, embracing traditional skills and holistic practices. We're curious, what sparked your interest in learning these traditional skills and arts?

Becoming a mother truly inspired me alot and although it was daunting becoming a mother it actually allowed me to embrace who I was completely. I have always been a creative person so after having my first baby I felt really inspired to start making our food from scratch, crocheting baby clothes & blankets and embracing my role as a homemaker so we could live more intentionally and show our kids how to do the same. I want to teach my kids to create instead of consume and to have the opportunity to learn basic life skills that bring a sense of wholesomeness to their life. 



Crochet seems to be a significant part of your creative journey. What initially drew you to this craft?

My nan used to crochet a lot so my home growing up was always filled with her blankets that she made my mum over the years so I was naturally drawn to this craft. As a busy mum I wanted to find something that would nurture my creativity but something I could pick up and put down so I booked lessons to learn crochet at Studio Yarn Cooran (my nan lives far away unfortunately) and I haven't been able to put down my crochet hook since. It was like my hands had done this craft before and it just came so naturally to me, I enjoyed it SO much. Every minute I'm not mothering or tending to my home I have a crochet hook in hand and now I’m developing my own crochet patterns to share! 


Can you share your personal journey with holistic living and how this has influenced your family dynamics?

I didn’t grow up living a holistic lifestyle, this was definitely something that my husband and I desired for our children as we both came from broken families with unhealthy habits. It was actually kind of a blessing though because our journey led us to each other and we are so deeply in love. After I birthed my first baby, It was always a given that I would be a stay at home mum while my husband provided and ran his own business and through embracing those roles we both developed a passion for living a lifestyle that was full of connection and a life that was slow, simple and family orientated. My husband had some serious health issues a little over a year ago which required some big lifestyle changes that actually prompted us to move into the country and out of the suburbs to lower our expenses but also to build a life that was wholesome. We started building a connection with our food and sourcing our food from local farmers directly, living outside with nature more and overall that has helped our family heal and be closer than ever.



You have a special connection with your chickens, what ignited your passion for these beautiful animals? 

My husband and I always talked about wanting chickens and one day starting a little hobby farm so when we moved onto land it was the first thing we did! I very quickly became obsessed and desired to collect the egg rainbow so I kept buying chickens! Chickens are naturally very social animals so as I spend so much time with them, they have become very comfortable with me and literally follow me everywhere, they even love coming inside the house to lay their eggs! They are like my best friends! It's also beautiful raising chickens alongside children too, teaching them the cycle of life from egg, to chick, to chicken, to egg again. Nurturing mumma hen as she sits on the eggs. It’s so lovely seeing how excited the kids get when we hatch chicks!  


How would you describe your personal style? 

I feel that my personal style is quite feminine and cottagey/country, I love the effortless beauty of throwing on a dress so that’s pretty much all I wear! I always love wearing florals as flowers are a big inspiration for me.


What’s next for Taylar-Jane? 

Honestly I’m not even sure! At this stage in my life, I am really enjoying nurturing my creativity amongst being a mum, wife and homemaker. I have started writing crochet patterns to share so that's something I am working on but my husband and I also plan to expand our family more in the future so we very much just focus on simplifying our lives and enjoying our family as much as possible!